ZAZEN - Meditation and Tea Ceremony

Takatsuki West Rotary Club

Rotary International District 2660 Youth Exchange Committee

To Japanese edition


Time table


Invitation to ZAZEN - Meditation and Tea Ceremony
The way to touch the deep heart of Japanese Culture and Thought

"Zazen Meditation "

The Zen sect is one of the denominations of Buddhism. "Zen" is defined as an enlightened religious and mental state attained by achieving serenity of mind.
One of the practices used to obtain this serenity of mind is called "zazen"! or "sitting in silent meditation."
According to the Zen sect, truth is something which transcends the expressions of language and letters. It can only be grasped through the direct proof of experience obtained in the practice of zazen.
The Zen sect has become the backbone of the "Samurai" spirit, tea cult and "ikebana" or Japanese flower arrangement. It has exerted great influence on Japanese thought, culture and literally all aspects of Japanese life.
In Japan today there are good many people, besides the Zen priests, who pursue truth by practicing zazen. As a method of spiritual training, some people pay periodical visit to Zen temples for short sessions of zazen.

"Tea Ceremony "

Called cha-no-yu or sado, the tea ceremony (cult) is the traditional Japanese way of drinking tea in accordance with set rules of etiquette.Both the host and guests share sense of togetherness during the ceremony. The cult was perfected in the later half of the sixteenth century.
In the tea ceremony, tea is made by putting powdered tea leaves into a cup and then adding hot water. It is then stirred till foamy with a tea whisk and drunk .
The "etiquette" of the tea ceremony concerns the manner in which the host serve the guests fine aromatic tea in a traditional tea cup of exquisite beauty and the manner in which guests show their appreciation to the host in the way they accept the tea.
The tea ceremony etiquette has been influenced the etiquette observed by the samuari classes . In turn , the tea cult has greatly influenced traditional Japanese customs and manners. Inner spirit is considered more important than the ritual form than the tea cult, and the heart of the ceremony lies in the "selfless manner " in which the host serves tea to the guests.
The tea ceremony is distinguished from other art forms in that it has taken a simple , everyday activity (tea drinking) and elevated it to the level of an art embodying the beauty of form.
We, Takatsuki West Rotary Club, supported by Rotary International District 2660, have Zazen Meditation and Tea Ceremony program for Rotary Youth Exchange Students as our annual event.
All inbound Exchange students in D2660 take part in the practice of Zazen and Tea Ceremony , trying to touch the mind and heart of Japanese culture.

Shindo Kondo
Rotary International District 2660
Youth Exchange Committee
'2001-2002 General Secretary, Overseas Correspondent
3301-1, Kabusanji Hara
Takatsuki Osaka Japan
Tel:81-072-688-0788. Fax:81-072-680-2133


Time table


10:00  Registraton
11:00  Openning Ceremony
11:20-12:00 Explanation of "ZEN" Meditation
12:00-13:00 "ZEN" Meditation
13:00-13:30 Lunch and Free Talking
13:30-15:00  "Tea Ceremony"
15:00 Closing Remark



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